Ab Plank

The overall strategy of a Wellness Blueprint Fitness Protocol is to help you build or maintain lean muscle mass, reduce your body fat, increase your energy, improve your strength, agility and power-to-weight ratio, reduce your risk of getting injured, improve insulin sensitivity, boost immune function and increase organ reserve. You have to move frequently at a slow pace. You have to lift heavy things. You have to sprint every once in a while. These behaviours are absolutely essential for your health and wellbeing.

Below are some suggested “Lift Heavy Things” workouts.

Begin each workout listed in this blog with a five-minute warm-up of low intensity cardiovascular exercise (walking, jogging, stationary cycling or other cardio machine at 55-75% of maximum heart rate) followed by light stretching. Conclude each workout with a five minute cool down identical to the warm-up. Be certain that you have medical clearance before attempting any strenuous workout

Ab Planks: Hold push up plank position with either extended arms or resting your elbows on the ground. Maintain position until failure. Then, lean on one hand and rotate upper body into sideways plank position (straight line from your head to toe) to stimulate oblique abs. Hold position until position until failure. Rest one minute then repeat exercise, this time extending opposite arm over your head when holding the sideways plank positions.

Article Source: http://www.marksdailyapple.com Image Source: http://www.womenshealthmag.com/sites/womenshealthmag.com/files/wp_import/Planks.jpg