Did you know that many disadvantaged and impoverished rural communities do not have access to adequate health care?

A chiropractic team of 13 have volunteered to lend a hand to rural communities in Cambodia, providing mobile medical clinics and medical supplies, plus building materials to construct much needed homes for disadvantaged families. This amazing group of volunteers needs your help to raise $7000!

So what is $7000 for?

Many disadvantaged and impoverished rural communities do not have access to adequate health care as they simply cannot afford it. Our $7000 goal is to fund the materials for the medical and building team (medical supplies from $2500 and construction of new homes – $3300 per home)

This group of volunteers also provide their services and time freely, learn first-hand the impact their colleagues/peers make in providing health care to disadvantaged and rural communities, plus pay their own associated costs.

How can you support this worthwhile cause and help achieve our $7,000 goal?

Donate directly via this link or visit back to sleep, with 10% of your total back to sleep purchase being donated directly to the cause. (Please mention Cambodia)

Donations can be made up until 28th August, 2015. Please help us help others and reach our $7000 goal.

Check out the 2013 Cambodia team in action!

Hear more about the project from our very own Chiropractor Jen Luu